14 February 2006

where ulanmaya got her stats for her wacky blogpiece on valentine's day

According to a Valentine's Day Online Survey conducted by The Wine Market Council in which both men and women participated equally, 59% said they would be happier to receive wine from their sweetheart on Valentine's Day compared with 41% who would prefer a box of chocolates.

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Used existing Valentine's Day research showing that Americans prefer red wine over candy on Valentine's Day

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The Guttmacher Institute is a nonprofit organization focused on sexual and reproductive health research, policy analysis and public education.

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Conditional Support
Poll: Thirty Years After Roe vs. Wade, American Support Is Conditional

Generally, 57 percent in this ABCNEWS/Washington Post poll say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, and 54 percent favor the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 ruling that made it so. While 42 percent want the government and the courts to make abortions harder to get, more either support the status quo, or favor fewer restrictions.

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Currently, no national data set exists which could be used to support this social norms campaign. In order to develop data that could be used in RAINN's poster campaign, Dr. Berkowitz conducted a review of existing data sets from individual institutions and received permission from eight schools to incorporate their data into a common message and aggregate statistic.

consent poster
90% of men stop the first time their date says "no" to sexual activity

bystander poster
74% of college men would intervene to prevent a sexual assault

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date rape

Ensler Asks That We Envision World Without Rape
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Valentine's Day Second Most Popular Day to Dine Out
February 08, 2005

According to the National Restaurant Association, Valentine's Day is the second most popular day of the year to dine out. More than one-quarter of Americans (28 percent) dine out on Valentine's Day. The most popular occasion for dining out is Mother's Day.

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Obesity in the U.S.
Obesity is a complex, multi-factorial chronic disease involving environmental (social and cultural), genetic, physiologic, metabolic, behavioral and psychological components. It is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.

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More than 36 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate will be sold for Valentine's Day. A survey conducted by the Chocolate Manufacturers Association revealed that 50 percent of women will likely give a gift of chocolate to a guy for Valentine's Day. This survey also found that 64 percent of men do not make plans in advance for a romantic Valentine's Day.

American men say they'd rather receive chocolate than flowers on Valentine's Day, especially those over the age of 50. Sixty-eight percent of men age 50 or older say they'd prefer receiving chocolate over flowers from their sweetheart on Valentine's Day, while just 22% said they'd rather have the flowers.

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other sources of note:

v-day: until the violence stops
click here

SINGLE-MINDED: The best thing to love about Valentine's is yourself
click here

happy valentine's day!
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